The GPU marketplace


Buy $RENT and hold it to receive a share of the profits from our enterprise GPU marketplace. If you're an enterprise customer contact us for more details.


Hold $RENT to earn

Rent AI applies profit sharing from the business side to our holders by doing weekly buyback and burns in order to create a lot more buy pressure and make $RENT a more scarce asset.

Easy to use

Easy and accesible software and dapps. Simply buy $RENT and stake it to start earning.

Hold to earn system

We value our investors, so we share the profits. By holding $RENT you're getting a huge share of our profits in the form of buybacks.

5/5 tax for opps funding

Our token has a 5/5 tax that allows us to fund Rent AI infrastructure. This is an essetial investment in our business that brings in massive returns.

Expert team

Team with over 10 years of experience in software enterprise and LLM management.

100% Fair launch

Our token was launched with no insiders. The treasury is locked for 1 year as is LP.

Strong community

We focus on developing a strong community and we embrace all feedback we get from our investors.

Global scale

Invest in the future of AI

Join the AI revolution, our powerful GPU marketplace and service can offer large amounts of computation to our customers. By participating as an investor and a staker you own part of the infrastructure.



Datapoints our LLMs are trained on.



Service uptime and green status.

Buy $RENT & earn

Buy $RENT and hold it. The Rent AI team does weekly buyback and burns!